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         Has Many Connections To Clinton Administration
    In response to an inquiry from Chairman Gerald Solomon, R-NY,
the  Clinton  administration  has  admitted  that the China Ocean
Shipping Co., COSCO, was caught shipping 87 pounds of  heroin  in
    The Clinton Administration says, however,  that  it  has  "no
information  indicating  that Cosco officials were involved in or
had knowledge of this heroin shipment."
    They would be expected to say that. Cosco  turns  out  to  be
very close to the Clinton administration.
    Cosco's takeover of the Long  Beach  Naval  base  took  place
after  personal  lobbying  on its behalf by Bill Clinton himself.
And the Clinton  administration  prevented  U.S.  companies  from
bidding on Long Beach.
    What makes it so important for the People's Republic of China
to  lease  the Long Beach Naval Station? U.S. counterintelligence
officials have told the American Spectator that  Cosco  uses  its
legitimate   shipping   business   activities   as  a  front  for
intelligence  gathering.  "Cosco  operates  a  fleet   of   ELINT
[electronic  intelligence]  trawlers  for the PRC government that
can sit in Long Beach  harbor  and  eavesdrop  on  communications
throughout the Los Angeles area," one U.S. official said.
    It also turns out, as reported  in  the  American  Spectator,
that  the  Arkansas  Teachers  Retirement  System  (ATRS)  has an
investment in Cosco. ATRS is one of the pension funds  raided  by
Bill  Clinton  when  he  was  governor.  Its  money  was used for
political purposes by laundering it through another Bill  Clinton
creation,  the  Arkansas  Development  Finance  Authority (ADFA).
Besides investing in Cosco, the ATRS has  an  investment  in  one
Jerry  Parks  that  it will not retrieve.  On ATRS's books is one
mysterious loan of $47,959 to the  Clinton  security  contractor.
Parks  was assassinated outside Little Rock in 1993. Parks worked
closely with White House Deputy Counsel  Vince  Foster,  who  was
found   dead   in   Fort   Marcy  Park  three  months  after  the
assassination of Parks.
  Published in the Jun. 23, 1997 issue of The Washington Weekly
  Copyright 1997 The Washington Weekly (
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